This page will be continuously updated, please check back to find all relevant Q&A's pertaining to this event.
Where can I access the links for the virtual Track 5 - Solution Sessions? 

8:30am - 10:45am: Welcome & Keynote - Secure and Deliver Extraordinary Digital Experiences with F5 
Access Link: https://carah.io/f5keynote  

11:00am – 12:30pm: F5 One WAF & Deliver SaaS with Distributed Cloud Sessions
Access Link: https://carah.io/f5breakout1

1:15pm – 4:00pm: BIG-IP Next, rSeries & Velos, and Automate and Accelerate App Services Sessions
Access Link: https://carah.io/f5breakout2 

I'm interested in taking a certification test on-site on Thursday, March 23rd. Where can I get more information?
Exam registration is NOW OPEN. For directions on how to schedule a certification exam, please follow the directions here. Please note, F5 certification exams are only being offered in-person.
Is there a cost to attend the F5 Public Sector Symposium?
Attendance at the F5 Public Sector Symposium is free and includes meals, drinks, accommodation and/or event memorabilia that all attendees are entitled to receive. Please ensure that you have taken all steps required to attend and receive all items of value provided as part of the event in a manner that complies with laws, regulations, or other policies or rules applicable to you, including, obtaining the approval of your ethics or legal office, disclosing or declaring your attendance and receipt of all items of value provided, and that you are not aware of any actual or potential conflict of interest that would prohibit your attendance and receipt of all items of value provided.
How do I know which breakout track session to participate in?
A detailed description of each breakout track session can be found here.
Is there a justification letter I can use for my management?
Yes. Please download this drafted letter to justify your trip.
I would like to sponsor the Symposium, who do I contact?
Thank you for your interest! Please reach out to f5marketing@carahsoft.com for more information regarding sponsorships.