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Theresa KinneyPanelist

NASA SEWP Senior Deputy Director/COR

Ms. Theresa Kinney is a Deputy Program Director/Manager for the NASA SEWP Program Oce. Ms. Kinney manages the strategic direction, planning and day-to-day operations of SEWP - a premier Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) providing Federal Agencies access to the latest in Information & Communication Technology solutions. Ms. Kinney is a 20+ year veteran to Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt Maryland and 2 years with NASA Headquarters. In this capacity, she is the Contracting Ocer Representative (COR) for the SEWP Program. Ms. Kinney is an ACT/IAC Fellow and Board member, an active member of the National Contract Management Association (NCMA), and Board Member for ATARC. She prepared NASA’s first Working Capital Fund (WCF) business case, and worked to fit the WCF model within the framework of the existing SEWP architecture while insuring continuation of NASA’s Executive agent designation from Oce of Management and Budget (OMB). A native of Montana, Ms. Kinney graduated with academic honors from Strayer University in Maryland. Following graduation, she continued her education at George Washington University to receive her Master’s Certificate in Federal Contracting.