President, eLearningJoe, LLC
Joe Ganci is President of eLearningJoe, LLC, a custom learning company located outside Washington. D.C. Joe holds a degree in Computer Science and writes books and articles about eLearning. He is widely considered a guru for his expertise in eLearning development and technology. Joe consults with clients worldwide, creating eLearning modules and templates, often training personnel in their use. His team also creates eLearning from start to finish, performing the proper analyses, design needs, the development of the learning, and its implementation. He is a frequent presenter at industry conferences, and his tool reviews appear each month in Learning Solutions Magazine (http://learningsolutionsmag.com/authors/4/joe-ganci). Joe is the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award in 1999 and the eLearning GuildMaster Award in 2013, among others. His mission is to improve the quality of eLearning with practical approaches that work.